5x your Self-Awareness to build a happier, healthier, wealthier you!


Assessment + Custom Report + BONUSES



Step 1 of a science-based system to optimise your life!

lite-FOCUS helps you check-in with your life to...

Optimise your functioning

lifeprint is 100% focused on helping you achieve your own unique levels of optimal-functioning

Build Resilience

Mastering stress as a productive asset in our lives is a critical prerequisite to true Self-Mastery

Increase Self-Awareness

There are no shortcuts to unravelling who we are, only positive-proactive persistent actions

Renew focus & clarity

Equipping you with the understanding & tools to be at peace within your own mind, empowers you

Increase Cognitive function

Learn how to choose thought processes which serve your highest cognitive & emotional states

Raise Emotional Wellbeing

Increasing positive-emotions & reducing negative affect are fundamental to the lifeprint approach.

Explore meaning & purpose

Self-exploration opens up new perspectives for discovering deeper meaning & purpose in iife

Improve Psychological Wellbeing

Explore, know, understand & love your true-self

Strengthen Relationships

By understanding ourselves we're better able to understand others and grow our relationships

Enhancing your Self-awareness is fundamental to Self-Mastery and increasing your confidence, self-esteem, productivity, relationships and self-careempowering improvements to wellbeing and optimal-functioning!

Understand your levels of optimal-functioning across your...
x5-core life-domains & x28 subdomains

Built by Positive Psychologists & Coaching Psychologists

Discover your best you...
Instant results report!

Right now, identify, measure and understand how you're doing in your life across your 5-core life-domains & 28 subdomains with lite-Focus

Get instant 
Write your awesome label here.

A bespoke Science-based assessment & mini-program...

The only science-based Self-Mastery, Wellbeing and optimal-functioning assessment to 5x Self-awareness; helping you build a happier, healthier, wealthier you!

"86% of users actively using results and who re-assessed end of 3 months following initial assessment, registered in cases up to 5x for improved Self-awareness."

Everything you are about to GET...

everything included below at one super low price. Normally $67 (NOW ONLY $27)


Includes assessment + custom analytics report

+ BONUS modules

Your ONE-TIME OFFER includes...

lite-FOCUS assessment

5-core life-domains

14+ page Results Report

28 subdomains

lifeprint + untapped potential scores

Detailed optimal-functioning scorecards

Custom analysis, scores, charts & tables

Priority Top 3 and Bottom 3 subdomains



EXCLUSIVE mini-program BONUS modules...

x9-BONUS modules

x3 BONUS videos

+ you GET even more...with indicators highlighting...

#1. How your relationships are going?

#2. Are you really in the right working role?

#3. Are your decisions influenced by others?

#4.Wealth views & relationship with money?

Discover, measure & assess your...

...own unique levels of optimal-functioning, self-mastery and wellbeing across...

Your general health

Your energy & fatigue

Emotional wellbeing

Social functioning


Autonomy & direction





Trust & Responsbility


Your Perceived Choice


Family & relationships

Personal relationships

Friends & relationships

Personal recreation

Social engagement

Vocation engagement



Wealth perceptions

Future wealth outlook

Wealth Satisfaction

Wealth levels

Key Self-Mastery & Wellbeing metrics...

your 1st step to self-mastery

lite-FOCUS: more detail...

Understand where you are in your life

lite-FOCUS is a unique science-based holistic benchmark across each of your 5-core lifedomains and 28 subdomains

Built by Positive Psychologists

Grounded in the principles of Positive Psychology & Coaching Psychology, Neuroscience & Cognitive Behavioural Strategies

Key Self-Mastery measures

Identify & measure where you are in your life and where to apply immediate FOCUS for improving optimal-functioning

Science-based Wellbeing metrics

Measures multiple aspects of Wellbeing: Identify subdomains needing your urgent INQUIRY & TRANSFORMATION

lifeprint score & headline status

WHAT's your headline lifeprint Status?

4 Simple score categories


Dynamic Analysis, Charts, Tables

Easy-view results analysis with visual charts, graphs, text & scores across your 5-core life-domains28 subdomains

Bespoke lifeprint reports unique to you

A 14+ page lite-FOCUS benchmark report using key Self-Mastery and Wellbeing metrics across the 5-core life-domains

FIT Model: an Iterative approach

FOCUS, INQUIRE, TRANSFORM: Step 1 of a 3 phase approach  framework for Self-Mastery & Wellbeing with Coaching tools

Top 3 & Bottom 3 Subdomains

GET all scores plus easy review of Top 3 (T3) & Bottom 3 (B3) subdomains, FOCUS on B3's for quick-win score-optimisation

30 Day Money Back Guarantee...

Write your awesome label here.

Our 100% guarantee

No questions asked guarantee.  We are so proud and confident in the quality of oulite-FOCUS assessment that we offer you a 30 day money back guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied, please contact us within 30 days of your purchase and 100% of the initial purchase price will be refunded, see FAQ's and terms.

Join our online Self-Mastery community

Start the journey, understand why you are who you are...

Simon, Manchester, UK

"Having a definitive start point and seeing clear progression has been super helpful and rewarding for me."

Flavia, Minas Gerais, Brasil

"lite-FOCUS is amazing, I learned so much about me in so short time, thank you."

Troy, Florida, USA

"The first time I've understood where I was, and where to begin making simple positive changes, awesome!"



Write your awesome label here.


  Step 1 in lifeprint's FIT Model
  Self-Mastery & Wellbeing 
  Assessment + Report
Measure Optimal-functioning

  14+ page personalised report

Assess wellbeing & levels of optimal-functioning over
5-core life-domains and 28 Subdomains of life.

Quick, simple and easy to use Self-Mastery tool

GET the lite-FOCUS assessment & mini-program

17 minutes to complete the assessment
Instant scores, results-analysis, bespoke 14+ page downloadable report!

#1. Sign-up & purchase

60% limited time discount

#2. lite-FOCUS assessment

17 minutes to complete

#3. Download results report

Instant scorecard & analysis


Exclusive lite-focus offer


SUPER DISCOUNT on lite-FOCUS Assessment + bespoke report



OFFER ENDS 5th Aug 11.30pm EST

Take your 1st steps to Self-Mastery, Wellbeing & Optimal-functioning


Was $67 now ONLY $27


  60% OFF 

Built by Positive Psychologists & Coaching Psychologists. 
Knowing your start point is Step 1 to any successful journey!



Available anytime, anywhere on any device access

Join our growing, global Self-Mastery community 

lite-FOCUS assessment

Quick-flow, interactive assessment process

lite-FOCUS benchmark report

Identify levels of optimal-functioning unique to you

lifeprint scores & dynamic analysis

Easy access to report scores & results analysis

Apply lifeprint Self-Mastery

lifeprint's unique assessment and growth tools draw on the latest in scientific-research, using a holistic and humanistic approach

understand where you are in your life right now

Measure your unique levels of optimal-functioning...

Join our global community


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Frequently asked questions

Who are and the

We are a group of Positive Psychologists and Coaching Psychologists specialising in Wellbeing, Self-Mastery, personal-growth and peak-performance. We have taken our solutions online in answer to the calling for easy online access to our services since the pandemic. Now we are excited to be reaching even more people online with our expert support and tools.

We break down constructs of Self-Mastery, wellbeing and optimal-functioning by helping individuals and teams unravel and understand their ingrained cultural, and habitual behavioural patterns, to optimise self-awareness, and empower their autonomous conscious-choice.

Our founding premise is 'you are what you think'.  Self-Mastery involves understanding who you are, why you think, feel, behave and act in the ways you do and why you associate with the groups of people around you. 

Use our unique Self-Mastery systems and a series of progressive science-based, evidence-led Self-Mastery assessments, tools and programs to accelerate your personal-growth. We help you identify and support your optimal-functioning, to improve wellbeing and quality of life. We help empower you in taking directed and positive, proactive action.

We understand sometimes, you just want or need the direct interaction and expertise of an experienced coach. If this is you, we have a team of Coaching Psychologists for 1:2:1 coaching programs supporting you with online face to face sessions.

What is lite-FOCUS?

lite-FOCUS is a lite Self-Mastery mini-program. It is 1 of 3 mini-programs within the lite series and the first step to Self-Mastery in a progressive sequence of lifeprint Self-Mastery programs, assessments and tools ranging from lite, to Pro and Guru Self-Mastery.

Athe first mini-program in the lite Self-Mastery series, lite-FOCUS is also one of the first steps in the lifeprint FIT Model:


The FIT Model is an iterative, holistic and progressive Self-Mastery system designed to support individuals and teams in achieving their own unique levels of optimal-functioning in life.

lite-FOCUS gives you detailed scores for your levels of optimal-functioning and untapped-potential, with supporting easy view charts, tables and text.

What does optimal-functioning mean?

Optimal-functioning is a field of research focused on understanding how individuals and teams can become the best versions of themselves to operate at their optimum levels in life and specific fields of focus.

The lifeprint approach to optimal-functioning is both holistic across life-domains and specific to focused peak-performance disciplines. Life-domains and their respective subdomains are categories for the core-areas of life which impact our wellbeing and optimal-functioning.

lifeprint have developed a Self-Mastery System incorporating the FIT Model:


Which in the FOCUS phase use a series of tools to measure levels of optimal-functioning and the untapped-potential within a person’s life at a specific point in time.

te-FOCUS incorporates key Self-Mastery and Wellbeing metrics to measure levels of optimal functioning across the 5-core life-domains and lite-FOCUS's 28 subdomains. Delivering a detailed bespoke 14+ page report as the 1st Step to Self-Mastery. 

What happens after I purchase lite-FOCUS?

Once you've entered your payment details and payment is confirmed...

1. You will receive instant access to the, and immediately be directed to the lite-FOCUS mini-program and assessment module. There, you will find clear video instructions and text guides showing you how to complete lite-FOCUS.

2. The lite-FOCUS mini-program offers introductory support materials to review, or you can go straight to the lite-FOCUS assessment to take it immediately.

3. To complete your assessment, simply go to the assessment module and begin. At the end you will have the option to download your detailed lite-FOCUS report.

Now you will have your own unique user login area to the, so please ensure you remember and protect your login details.

After I complete lite-FOCUS, what's next?

Your lite-FOCUS results help you focus on the right initial areas needing further INQUIRY and TRANSFORMATION.

You have multiple options open to you, we highlight three:

1. You could do nothing, but we don't recommend it!

2. You can use lite-FOCUS as a high-level guide for subdomains of life you need to improve, BUT you will be without our EXPERT support and tools designed to accelerate and measure this journey, or...

3. You can leverage your lite-FOCUS data into the second and third steps in the lite program, which in addition includes lite-INQUIRE and lite-TRANSFORM. Here you radically accelerate your Self-Mastery, personal-growth, Wellbeing and optimal-functioning.

  • INQUIRE will develop your lifeprint profile and benchmarks further 
  • TRANSFORM uses the key data captured from FOCUS and INQUIRE to tailor a bespoke ATP (ACTION TRANSFORM PLAN)
  • In TRANSFORM you execute a series of transformational exercises and interventions; tailored to your B3 (Bottom 3) lite-FOCUS subdomain scores.

How do I get my lite-FOCUS assessment and report?

Follow this quick, simple process:

#1. Simply purchase lite-FOCUS and you will get instant access.
#2. Complete the lite-FOCUS assessment which takes circa 17 minutes.
#3. Instantly download your bespoke 14+ page lite-FOCUS benchmark report.

Do offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee?

Yes we do! We are so proud and confident in the quality of our services that we do indeed offer you a 30 day money back guarantee. Our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee is offered in good faith to all who genuinely believe a program is not for them after initial purchase.

We have a reasonable expectation that you will recognise fairly quickly whether you like or dislike our services. If you complete an entire service, we expect that you found some value and that you, as a result, are willing to pay for this service.

If for any reason you are not satisfied with our services and/or they do not meet your expectations, please contact us within 30 days of your purchase, whereupon 100% of the initial purchase cost will be refunded subject to our Full Terms and Conditions. Click this link to review our Full Terms, and see Section 15 for specifics relevant to this guarantee.